Thursday, February 20, 2014


There will be another meeting for staff members this Sunday, February 23rd, immediately following services. We hope everybody can make it as we will be discussing our upcoming fundraiser.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


We had a few ideas for a fundraiser. The most popular one was to have a bake sale. Originally, we had plans to do one at Wal-Mart in February. Unfortunately, the weather has not exactly permitted that to happen. Any fundraising will be postponed until spring. Instead of just having a bake sale, we are going to have a bake sale and incorporate it into a cookout.

As a reminder, services are held every Sunday at 11AM at 917 Grove St. in Bluffton.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


The staff meeting will be held today (1/26/14) immediately following services

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 3/3

Hey everybody! The final day of our three day Revelations bible study directed by the always wonderful, Tammy Spaulding, will be conducted today at 2 PM. IF you wanna come, it's at 917 Grove St. In bluffton!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


So guys, every Sunday, the notes from the sermons will be uploaded to this web site so bookmark it and we'll see you on Sunday!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Staff Meeting

All staff and members will be meeting this Sunday, January 26, after service. The new logo will be displayed at the meeting and we will be discussing more activities. See you there!

As a reminder, services are held every Sunday at 11:00 AM at 917 Grove St. In Bluffton. We encourage you to invite any friends or family members.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Our Staff

as a refresher, here are our staff members.

Pastor- Larry Hinde

Secretary/Head Of Advertisement-  Michelle Blanchard

Treasurer- Karrie Stauss

Event Coordinator- Crystal Sale

Web Designers- Brianna Blanchard and Jessup Groff

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Pastor Larry Hinde (260)-273-5599


E-mail the web designers at

Newest Site

we apologize for any inconveniences with the newest site update, we had to yet again recreate our website. this will be our permanent website, as it is the easiest we have come up with.